Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Regeneration X Costume Contest

Starting June 1st through June 30th, Regeneration X will be holding their second SHIMMER Costume Contest. Here are the rules:

To gain entry, any purchase made from both Leva Bates’ and Allison Danger’s Amazon wishlists will give the buyer a ticket into a lottery. Winner of the lottery will get to choose the theme of the costumes worn on the SHIMMER Women Athletes October 27-28 tapings. Now for the small twist-Bates and Danger have secretly starred five items on each wishlist. Purchase of a starred item gets the buyer TWO entries into the lottery.

The winner will get to choose a theme, to be submitted by July 31, 2012, and the theme must be within reason i.e. nothing skanky, nothing distasteful, no Fifty Shades of Gray nonsense (ha!). Re-X reserves the right to say your idea stinks and send it back for re-tooling (but we will work with the winner to find something we all can agree on). Remember, last year’s winner gave us the awesome Back to the Future idea so you guys have pretty big shoes to fill in 2012. In addition, the winner will receive a Re-X gift pack of the next to be released shirt, autographed photos and possible heaps of praise on the SHIMMER message board (Re-X does not guarantee heaps of praise but will gladly put a fiver on someone bitching about your choice).

Any questions? Feel free to hit us up via Twitter @wrestlingleva or @allisondanger or post a comment here. Happy Regenerating!

-Bates and Danger